SDK app gets ended state for active meeting when attempting to join

We’re seeing an issue in our production application when our SDK bot attempts to join a meeting. Even if the meeting is active (and we are on the call), the bot gets back an ended state callback when attempting to join the meeting.

It appears as though our bot is occasionally being throttled/immediately rejected when we make a join() call to a meeting. We’ve observed our bot failing to join internal meetings of ours, and in the logs we see that we immediately received a meeting status ended call after our SDK bot’s join() call. After a period of inactivity, it appears to start working again which leads us to the throttling theory. This appears to be new behavior within the last several days and is affecting external users.

Is it possible our usage pattern of the SDK is triggering security policies at Zoom? Are you able to see if calls from our SDK are being flagged as malicious? If so, how can we alter our usage to avoid these cases?

Hi @andrew-read, as we look into this, could you share the OS & version you’re using? Is this Windows?

Hi @michael.zoom , we use Windows Meeting SDK v5.9.6.

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We will continue this conversation directly over Zoom Chat.

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For anyone experiencing this in the future, I’d recommend creating a ticket at and attaching SDK logs and verifying your SDK key.