SDK WEB for multiple meetings of two people

Hello! We are developing an application for a business conference event, where participants will have:

  1. an assigned meeting schedule
  2. They will be able to meet (by Zoom) with their counterpart at the indicated time
  3. The meeting should last 15 minutes maximum and close automatically.

We have tested with Jitsi that it allows to generate the url / room dynamically according to the parameters taken from the assigned appointment.

User1 meets User2 at 10:30
Url generated automatically:

Attached image of the user interface where the meetings are listed and each row has its button to start Meeting

Is it possible to achieve this with Zoom?
P.S. Sorry for my English (Google Translator): P

Hey @matiasalarcon ,

You can use our Create Meeting API to create a Zoom meeting, and then either use the start_url / join_url to open the Zoom App, or use the Web Client SDK to display the Zoom meeting in your web application.

Let me know if that helps! :slight_smile:


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