Thanks a lot Tommy.
I believe my Use case is the second one, i.e. Create a user account for each of my users on my own Zoom account.
I will read the document that you have provided, but quickly wanted to understand few things:-
Can I create users on the fly via an API? If so, what is the maximum number of users I can create?
If there is a limit in number of users I can create, what alternative approach can I follow to not exhaust this limit? Maybe delete the users after their meeting is completed?
There may be a case that there is a user who already has an account with zoom, but if he comes through my application, I want a new user id be generated for this user under my account? Is it possible? Or does Zoom maintain some internal mapping of email ids?
Yes, you can create up to 9,999 users. Due note there are different types of users you can create like, custCreate, which is an API only user but requires a special ISV plan.
Yep, you can spin up users on demand (creating and deleting them).
You will just have to create a new user for them, I suggest it be the custCreate user which is an API only user and does not have a login.
Just one more question. The custUser that you have mentioned. If I schedule a meeting with a custUser with my zoom pro account, will I have the capability to use pro features like cloud recordings?