Self video is wrong rotation and can not render


  • Operating System: iOS 17.4.1

  • Zoom SDK Version: 1.11.10

  • Device: iPhone XS Max

Description of the Issue:

  • When I join a Zoom meeting and try to display the video of current user on the screen, the video canvas does not show any content.

  • I tried to stop then start video but still not see user video.

  • On other side, people who joined in session can see my video. (Sometimes in wrong rotation)

Code snippet:

if let videoHelper = ZoomVideoSDK.shareInstance()?.getVideoHelper() {
            let _isOn = ZoomVideoSDK.shareInstance()?.getSession()?.getMySelf()?.getVideoCanvas()?.videoStatus()?.on ?? false
            if _isOn {
                let _error = videoHelper.startVideoCanvasPreview(localUserPreviewView, andAspectMode: .panAndScan)
      "\nVIDEO CALL ==================================== SUBSCRIBE USER VIDEO - ERROR: \(_error) ========")
            } else {
                let _error = videoHelper.stopVideoCanvasPreview(localUserPreviewView)
      "\nVIDEO CALL ==================================== UN-SUBSCRIBE USER VIDEO - ERROR: \(_error) ========")
        } else {
  "\nVIDEO CALL ==================================== RENDER VIDEO FOR MY SELF = MISSING VIDEO CANVAS OR MY SELF ========")

This issue often happens when lay device on the ground.
Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 11.57.54 AM