Send message to a channel with a script

I’m trying to send the results of automatic unit tests to a Zoom channel via script. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the necessary information for authentication.
I found the related discusssion Send chat messages via API . I created a ChatBot App and added it to my account. However, I don’t understand how I can get the robot_jid of my ChatBot. Also, where can I find the channel to_jid?

Hi @peter.amberg,

You can find the robot_jid when you add the endpoint URLs into your chat app and save them you’ll see the robot_jid.

The Get Channels response body you will find the id of the channel

Let me know if you have any other questions!

I’m still not sure where to find the robot_jid. When I go to Activation > Add URL, I see only response_type, client_id, redirect_uri. There is no robot_jid here.

Also, the Get Channels endpoint needs a userId. How do I get that?

Apparently I also need an Account id. Where do I get this from?

Hi @peter.amberg

Have you created a chat application under you marketplace account? If so, under the features section, you will see an option to subscribe to events, it will ask you to put in a bot endpoint URL, one for development, one for production, once you save this, you will see a production and development bot JID

As for the you account ID, you can get that by making an API call to the Get User endpoint. You can pass the users email instead of the user ID or the ‘me’ value if it is a user-level app.

Let us know if you have any more questions.

Why would I need to subscribe to events? All I want, is to post a ChatBot message. The ChatBot is to be used internally by our company only. I am not at the liberty to implement an endpoint that’s open to the internet for this purpose. This is all needlessly complicated.

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