Server-To-Server application

Hello dear Developers

I have Zoom Server-to-Server O auth application,can I use Server-to-Server application to use meeting SDK on my website

Thank you.

@zoom55 , I don’t understand the question.

If you are asking can you use the credentials in S2S application for Meeting SDK Authentication, the answer is no.

You will either need to use a Meeting SDK App, or General App (with Meeting SDK enabled) for Meeting SDK Authentication

Ok, i use S2S for creating meetings but when I use the general app as SDK authentication It works but allows me to use one meeting at the current time.
i want to use 2+ sessions at one time on my website it possible or need something to change account I use a pro account (Zoom One Pro)

@zoom55 , as a rule of thumb, if you want to run 2 concurrent meeting, you will need to have 2 users

Ok thank mean client on registration will be receive oauth token and via oauth token should be register second meeting?

No @zoom55 , you will need 2 different users. Each will have 1 meeting.

In total you will have 2 meetings, created by 2 different users.

OK you have documentation which i can use to fix that case

i don’t understand Where I will be adding users or how I can add users If i use meeting, SDK and general app

@zoom55 , you will sign in to to create users in your account. When creating meeting using API, do make sure you use different User ID.

Thank you if my client didn’t have zoom account I will be generate it via API on my zoom account?

@zoom55 , I’m not sure what you mean here.

If you are using OAuth (user level), you will not be able to create another user using API.

You will need to either user Server to Server OAuth, or OAuth (account level) to create users on account.

Thank you very much i wish you good day :slight_smile: