Server to server oauth app using ZoomMtg, sdk 2.9.5

We are currently using JWT with websdk 2.6.0. which will be deprecated in June 2023. Now we want to use server to server oauth app. I have a query regarding server to server oauth app using ZoomMtg. I am able to get Access token and Create meeting using simple api calls using server to server oauth account id, client id and client secret. Getting a response with start url, join url, meeting id, password etc. Now we want to integrate it with our web application. I am having trouble using ZoomMtg with Server to server oauth. Please help in this regard.

my previous code:

document.getElementById(‘join_meeting’).addEventListener(‘click’, function(e){

var meetConfig = {
  apiKey: API_KEY,
  apiSecret: API_SECRET,
  meetingNumber: MEETING_NUMBER,
  // passWord: MEETING_PASSWORD,
  // leaveUrl: "<%FULL_URL%>",
  leaveUrl: "<%FULL_URL%>/end-session?status=error&login="+LOGIN,
  userName: "<?=$_GET['name'] ?? 'Anonymous'?>",
  role: <?=$_GET['role'] ?? 0?>

var signature = ZoomMtg.generateSignature({
  meetingNumber: meetConfig.meetingNumber,
  apiKey: meetConfig.apiKey,
  apiSecret: meetConfig.apiSecret,
  // passWord: meetConfig.passWord,
  role: meetConfig.role,
  success: function(res){

  leaveUrl: "<%FULL_URL%>/end-session?status=finished&s_id="+SESSION_ID+"&login="+LOGIN,
  // leaveUrl: "<%FULL_URL%>/"+LOGIN+"/coaching",
  // leaveUrl: '<%FULL_URL%>/end-session',
  isSupportAV: true,
  success: function () {
        userName: meetConfig.userName,
        meetingNumber: meetConfig.meetingNumber,
        signature: signature,
        apiKey: meetConfig.apiKey,
        passWord: MEETING_PASSWORD,
        success: function(res){
          console.log('join meeting success');
        error: function(res) {
  error: function(res) {


and if we can’t use ZoomMtg with Server to server oauth app. is there any other way. please help
@michael.zoom @gianni.zoom @tommy @elisa.zoom

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Hey @gauravdev ,

You will need to use a Meeting SDK app type for the Meeting SDK credentials:

Please follow this guide:


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Thank you tommy,
one more thing with websdk 2.6.0 we can use jwt till june 2023?

Yes, that is the correct cut off date.


Ok. But if i need to use server to server oauth with my web application is there any ways i can use the start and join url in an iframe. Like we use in jwt. Because when i use it in an iframe they don’t work properly.

Hey @gauravdev ,

You shouldn’t embed the Zoom Web Client in an iFrame.

You can use the Meeting SDK, and even embed that in an iFrame if you choose.


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able to generate sdk signature but can’t join meeting. and there is no error in console.
and i used instant meeting id and password not passcode from my zoom profile
code using sdk app:


var meetingConfig = {
skdKey: SDK_KEY,
sdkSecret: SDK_SECRET,
meetingNumber: MEETING_NUMBER,
leaveUrl: “<%FULL_URL%>/end-session?status=error&login=”+LOGIN,
userName: “<?=$_GET['name'] ?? 'Anonymous'?>”,
role: <?=$_GET['role'] ?? 0?>

var signature = ZoomMtg.generateSDKSignature({
  meetingNumber: meetingConfig.meetingNumber,
  sdkKey: meetingConfig.sdkKey,
  sdkSecret: meetingConfig.sdkSecret,
  role: meetingConfig.role,
  success: function (res) {
    meetingConfig.signature = res.result;

  leaveUrl: "<%FULL_URL%>/end-session?status=finished&s_id="+SESSION_ID+"&login="+LOGIN,
  // leaveUrl: "<%FULL_URL%>/"+LOGIN+"/coaching",
  // leaveUrl: '<%FULL_URL%>/end-session',
  isSupportAV: true,
  success: function () {
        skdKey: meetingConfig.skdKey,
        meetingNumber: meetingConfig.meetingNumber,
        passWord: meetingConfig.passWord,
        userName: meetingConfig.userName,
        signature: meetingConfig.signature,
        success: function(res){
          console.log('join meeting success');
        error: function(res) {
  error: function(res) {


@gauravdev You are using PHP or??

php, javascript, ZoomMtg