Set empty string or null value for user attribute using User Update API

When sending an HTTPS Patch using REST API to update an existing user the empty string is accepted but does not change the value on the back end to an empty string.

Response is 204 so it it appears the operation was successful just without confirmation.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
I am using NodeJS Requests with JWT auth.

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set your requests payload to a field of your choice and the associated value to an empty string:

*json_payload = {“dept”: “”}

  1. Create a requests patch method and set the payload to json:
  • r = re.patch(zoom_api_url + zoom_user_patch_url, headers = headers, json = json_payload)
  1. Send your request and then check if the existing value was changed to an empty string. This fails every time I’ve tried. Note that you’ll need to set the initial value to something other than an empty string first to reproduce this behaviour.

Additional context
Please suggest how can an attribute value be removed or set to null for a user.

Hey @simrankaurbal.khokk,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I was able to reproduce this issue and have since reached out to our internal team in regard to providing a fix. I’ll be sure to keep you up-to-date. (ZOOM-240168)


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As an update, the issue with sending an empty string for the dept property when using the Update User Settings API has since been resolved by our engineering team.

I confirmed that the problem has been resolved on my end as well. Please submit a new topic on the forum if you encounter any further instances of this.
