Sharing App issue


For sharing a window directly we are using following method

  • (ZoomSDKError)startAppShare:(CGWindowID)windowID displayID:(CGDirectDisplayID)displayID;

It is returning 0 (success) but sharing call delegate is not calling

  • (void)onSharingStatus:(ZoomSDKShareStatus)status User:(unsigned int)userID;

Initially it used to share but suddenly it stopped working.It started when I passed window id as 0 and display ID as 0 (It also worked for 5 trials).Now it is not working at all.



Hi, This is Totti from mac client team, for the return success is a bug for the sdk you used, it will be fixed in next release pkg, it would be provided in follow days, but the root cause u haven’t received the callback is the wrong usage of the sdk, I think u want to share first screen and second screen in your code, u should use interface:

  • (ZoomSDKError)startMonitorShare:(CGDirectDisplayID)monitorID;

monitorID: input the screen display id for each screen 

  • (ZoomSDKError)startAppShare:(CGWindowID)windowID displayID:(CGDirectDisplayID)displayID

this interface used to do app share, windowID is the app windowID, displayID means displayID of the screen u want to share on.

plz try this way, any problem feel free to make me know.