Signature is invalid. For Angular Web SDK

I was testing the angular sdk and try to join the meeting I created by using Zoom. But I keep got the error:

  1. {method: ‘join’, status: false, result: ‘Invalid signature.’, errorCode: 3712, errorMessage: ‘Signature is invalid.’}

  2. errorCode: 3712

  3. errorMessage: “Signature is invalid.”

  4. method: “join”

  5. result: “Invalid signature.”

  6. status: false

  7. [[Prototype]]: Object

I was following the instruction on github, I created a development app on Zoom Marketplace , I got the Client ID and Client Secret. I put them into .env of the meetingsdk-auth-endpoint-sample and hosted it on local 4000. Meanwhile , here is the configuration in my app.component.ts in meetingsdk-angular-sample :
authEndpoint = ‘http://localhost:4000
sdkKey = ‘rDW5noieTtGRt44_QzhHrg’
meetingNumber = ‘73847093001’
passWord = ‘RCJTh9’
role = 0
userName = ‘leochen9986’
userEmail = ‘’
registrantToken = ‘’
zakToken = ‘’
leaveUrl = ‘http://localhost:4200

Hopefully can get some help on this. Thanks


For a start, error 3712 might mean that in your General app, Embed tab, meeting SDK, the toggle button is not turned on.

Could you check it and let me know if this solves your issue, if not reply to this thread and tag me.

Thanks for the solution. I think it has solved. Thanks