Simultaneous Connections to 1 App

I have an installable application that people can put on their websites. When someone installs the application they authenticate with their Zoom account and they can then get upcoming meetings and webinars. The issue I have is that if someone has two websites, if they authenticate with one website that is fine, but if they then authenticate with the second one, it boots the authentication off the first site. Is it not possible to have two refresh token streams so that multiple instances of the same client can use my app? What is the solution to this, because it would be technically challenging to share a refresh token between two websites?

Thanks for your help in advance :slight_smile:

Hi @northernbeacheswebsi,

Thanks for reaching out about this, and good question.

While it’s a great suggestion, our OAuth access_tokens only support one session at a time. This is, however, something we hope to introduce in the future, and I can definitely appreciate the use case!


Would it be possible to have your staff duplicate my approved app then so at least customers be authenticated on 2 websites - although not perfect, it would make a big difference. Thanks,

Hi @northernbeacheswebsi,

Our Marketplace team doesn’t have the ability to duplicate an app for you, however you’re welcome to create separate apps of your own accord.


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