Sometimes show black MobileRTCVideoView

We use our custom UI and want to dynamically create MobileRTCVideoView, but sometimes when it worked well, but sometimes it only shows a black screen with zoom watermark. It can be fixed by change a zoom room number or wait for a long time (approximate several minutes). We can see that all views has been created but only the first shows black view and other MobileRTCVideoView even cannot show the black view.

Which version?


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: iPhone 11 other devices have same problem
  • OS: 13.3
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Hi weihao,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK and thanks for the post. It is a little hard to identify the root cause based on the info provided, could you provide the SDK version you are using and the SDK log, the way to enable and retrieve the log can be found here:
