Standard Timezones not supported by Zoom API while creating webinar

Hi All,

While creating a zoom webinar using API, I have to provide my timezone as “America/Chicago” etc. In the API i can’t provide timezone as “GMT+5:30”, else it provides me default timezone of the user who is creating webinar.

For consistency and experience as per Zoom UI for creating webinar, I need timezone in API as “GMT+5:30”, “GMT+7:30” used rather than “America/Chicago”,“Asia/Calcutta.”

Can anyone please help me with this. I saw in documentation that I can make my start time in GMT format, but i need in local time so timezone is important for me.


Hi @dekhetawat ,
Thank you for reaching out to us. I am currently working on your request, and will get back to you soon.

Hi OJus, Any update on this request?

Hi @harshith.venkatesh.w, Webinars support both local and GMT time when using the Create Webinar API. To set a time using local time, specify the timezone ID in the timezone field.