Start a meeting from SDK using existing start URL

Hi folks

In my android app, I’m using a webview which catches request to open Zoom meeting.

First, I use API request to create a meeting and get the start URL like: 790912691?zpk=F2anhOtkAsMKaTndg9MTiHOUI4LOCnM895EhTi3TDmY.AwckYjgzYTBjNzItM


My question is: is there a method in Zoom SDK that takes this URL or its tokens, i.e., meetingID & zpk, and starts the meeting without the need to specify the userID or any other options ?




@yusuf canbaz 

Did you find the solutions??


It still continuing

I just want to use start meeting and join meeting function of mobile API. I managed to make it on iOS but I believe android API got problem

Hi Yusuf,

for Android SDK, please follow the same step in the sample on how to start and join meeting.
