Start Webinar (Host) and Join Webinar with Panelist role from Windows SDK

Hi Zoom Team;

We purpose to deploy Webinar with Zoom Windows SDK. But there is no instruction Webinar at Windows SDK docs.

We would like to use Windows SDK for user to start webinar (Host) and join webinar as Panelist role.

Please help us on this case.

Thanks and Best Regards.

Hey @anhnt,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

I am sorry for the lack of proper documentation, we are working to revamp the documentation for the SDK’s currently. Are you looking to create a webinar from the SDK? Or simply start/join the webinar from the SDK?

If the webinar has already been created elsewhere, you can start/join the webinar the same way the SDK does to normal non-webinar meetings. If you have webinar tokens they can be passed into the Join Param object when joining the meeting.


Hi Micheal Condon;

Webinar is scheduled from web, we just use Windows SDK to start and join webinar, especially join with panelist role.

Because webinar has panelist role, so we want to know the method to join webinar as panelist role. And please explain more about webinar token.

Token is ZAK like below url:
“https: //*****************

Thanks and Best Regards.

Hey @anhnt,

If the webinar sent out invitations with a token attatched to it you would pass it into that field. However, since you have a Zak I believe you can pass that into the param object instead:

	ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::StartParam startParam;

	ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::StartParam4WithoutLogin& RestAPIUserStartParam = startParam.param.withoutloginStart;

	RestAPIUserStartParam.userID = L"User ID";
	RestAPIUserStartParam.userZAK = L"ZAK token here";
	RestAPIUserStartParam.userName = L"display name of user";
	RestAPIUserStartParam.zoomuserType =ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE:: ZoomUserType_APIUSER;
	RestAPIUserStartParam.meetingNumber = L"meeting number"; 


Hi Micheal;

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards.

Hey @anhnt,

You’re welcome :slight_smile:
Please let us know if you have any other questions.


Hi Michael,
When i use tk from panelist link as userZAK, i cant join webinar with Start function.
When i use tk from panelist link as webinarToken, i can join webinar with Join function. But my role is attendee.
Can you give me an example to join webinar with panelist role?

Hey @hungnm

A userZAK is a different type of token and will not work for this scenario. The webinar token does need to be passed into the webinarToken field. If the token is specifically for that user, then they will be joined as a panelist.


Hi Michael,

I’ve used webinar token to join. But user role was attendee only.

My webinar’s approval_type is 2 (No registration required). After created webinar, i called API to add some panelists. Then i called API to list panelists and used tk from join_url as webinarToken param of Join function. Can it work to join as panelist?

Hey @hungnm,

Hmm, it may not be possible currently then. However, we are anticipating some webinar/SDK changes soon that may help with this issue. Stay tuned.


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