Please i want to integrate zoom into one of my client app (web application) and i have been wondering on how to go about it. i wanted to use API initially but was confuse so i decided to use “build” the app thru the market place.
Please any help. either video tutorial or if possible from github.
Thanks for reaching out about this, and happy to point you in the right direction!
First, I should note that you’ve taken the correct first step by creating an app. In order to use our APIs, you’ll need to create an app (either JWT or OAuth) to generate your credentials that will allow you to authenticate your requests to our endpoints.
Will your integration be handling only users/meetings within your Zoom account, or will you be interested in working with accounts outside of your own? If it’s the first, JWT will likely be best for your use case. If it’s the latter, OAuth would be required.
You can find our Guides on authorizing via JWT and OAuth here:
Let me know if you can provide some additional details on your use case and I’ll be happy to help!
Thanks for your quick response. i am very excited.
I have created account with marketplace for JWT. so what is the next thing to do because my account level is still displaying “Intend to publish: No Account Level” Please is the solution to this and what is the next step to follow
Can you provide some additional details about your use case? For example, are you interested in building a public integration that people outside of your account will be able to use, or are you more interested in simply accessing our APIs under your own account for your own integration only?
I ask because this will determine which app type is best for you. If it’s the latter, JWT is the correct app type, and now that you’ve created it you can access your credentials and generate a token to make requests to our APIs.
Please let me know if there are any other details you can share, or if there’s a specific issue you’re running into—I’ll be happy to help!
In that case, you can utilize a JWT app. Once you have a JWT app created under your account, you can follow these steps to retrieve the token to authenticate your requests with:
Navigate to the Zoom Marketplace while logged in to the account that is associated with your JWT app
Once logged in, click on your JWT App from the Manage page
From your App’s page, click on the App Credentials tab:
Hello Will,
Thanks so much. for the guides every time. this is to let you know that i have created the app and i have integrated it perfectly. but when i create a meeting and people join the meeting as normal, it is redirecting me to external zoom app. in which i want the meeting to be holding right inside the app i created.
Please, is there a way i can embed that zoom into the website directly and the meeting will be holding directly on the website instead of redirecting to the outside zoom app…
if there is any video to watch on that, i would be very grateful to have the link.
In regards to integrating the Zoom Meeting directly within your app, the supported way to do this is using our Web SDK. Have you had a chance to check this out?: