Strange error of " Signature is invalid"

API Endpoints

**Unexplainable Signature is invalid **
I am using server to server oAuth for my app on zoom, my servers backend is php. I am currently using basic account but would move
to paid version after completing the code. This is the code I have used in php
$meeting_number = 98745525626;//this is a random meeting number but actual number is from zoom
$password = ‘random_password’;
$encrypted_password = ‘123456’;
$host_email = ‘my email as registered on zoom’;

//get zoom video meeting credential
$sdk_key = env('ZOOM_CLIENT_ID');
$sdk_secret = env('ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET');
$role = 1;//$request->role;

	 function base64url_encode($str) {
		return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($str), '+/', '-_'), '=');

	$headers = array(
		'alg' => 'HS256', //alg is required
		'typ' => 'JWT'

	$time = time() - 30;
	$exp = $time + 3600 * 2;	
	$payload = array(
		'sdkKey' => $sdk_key,
		'mn' => $meeting_number,       // meeting number that you send via post request
		'role' => $role, // 0 guest or 1 host via post request 
		'iat' => $time,
		'exp' => $exp,
		'tokenExp' => $exp,

	//the followinq were returned to zoom
	//test 1
	function generate_jwt($headers, $payload, $key) {
		$headers_encoded = base64url_encode(json_encode($headers));
		$payload_encoded = base64url_encode(json_encode($payload));
		$signature = hash_hmac('SHA256', "$headers_encoded.$payload_encoded", $key, true);
		$signature_encoded = base64url_encode($signature);
		$jwt = "$headers_encoded.$payload_encoded.$signature_encoded";
		return $jwt;

	$signature = generate_jwt($headers, $payload, $sdk_secret);
	return $signature
		test 2
		$signature = \Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode($payload, $sdk_secret, 'HS256');
		return $signature;
		Both gave me same result


in my frontend

		passWord: password_from_php,
		userName:'my online alias',
		success: (success) => {
		error: (error) => {

But this keeps on giving me the error message

{ method: “join”, status: false, result: “Invalid signature.”, errorMessage: “Signature is invalid.”, errorCode: 3712 }

When I tried it some hours later the error message became.

{ method: “join”, status: false, result: “The signature has expired.”, errorMessage: “The signature has expired.”, errorCode: 3705 }

This shows that it was somehow captured and now expired.

I have checked the local time and even sycned my local time to be the same thing that was set in my zoom account. I have ensured that
i have set the appropriate scope that I think are needed.

is there any specific configuration that i need to do in my developer account
aside from creating my app.

I have already obtained my client id and client secret in my appp.
What could be the reason why I am still having this error, could the basic account be affecting the result?

Could there be any error in my configuration which I have not taken note of?

Is there any other thing in my code that is making it not to work?

is there a way I can reverse the signature using php to confirm what I sent is correct?

What am i not doing right?

I have used new created meetings, upcoming meetings, expired meetings. It was the same message I have been getting.

I have used the clientid and secret t create new meeting and it worked

Along side with the error message I got the following errors in the browser console

Cookie “zm_aid” has been rejected because it is already expired. info

Cookie “zm_haid” has been rejected because it is already expired. info

Cookie “zm_tmaid” has been rejected because it is already expired. info

Cookie “zm_htmaid” has been rejected because it is already expired. info

you should first try, if your client id and client secret is working

you should try connect with role = 0 (attendee) and with role = 1 (host)

and here more infos for troubleshooting signature

@j.schoenemeyer I thank u. Still working on it. made an update

@j.schoenemeyer thank you for the troubleshooting that you led me to. I discorvered that I cant use sdk for server-to-server oauth. I am still stuck on what to do. Is it like I am the only one stuck, there seems not be any material on server to server

@j.schoenemeyer thank you for the troubleshooting that you led me to. I discorvered that I cant use sdk for server-to-server oauth. I am still stuck. I have to open a new topic Server-to-server oauth meeting