Streaming MP4 video through Web SDK

We’d like to stream pre-recorded content for Telehealth use case. Imagine we have a video call between a patient and specialist and during the video call the specialist would like to stream a pre-recorded exercise (in .mp4 format) to the patient. Similiar to screen sharing but using a pre-recorded content rather than one’s screen.

How would one implement this use case using Web Video SDK? We are having trouble finding this in the docs.

Hey @szymzet

Thanks for your feedback.

It’s feasible in Video SDK. Both stream.startAudio and stream.startVideo are able to accept a media playback file. Here is a simple example:

await stream.startVideo({ mediaFile: { url: "[mp4 URL]", loop: true } });
await stream.startAudio({ mediaFile: { url: "[mp4 URL]", loop: true } });


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