Tracking how much each person talks is not enough, I need TalkTime to be giftable!
I am a desperate man, I can’t take idiots droning on in my meeting anymore while those with any sense, such as myself, of course, fume in silence. Please implement TalkTime to divide everyone’s talk time and have them burn it when they talk and when its gone, they can’t unmute. Just as importantly, I want to be able to give my TalkTime to someone else when I want them to answer a question or just to show I support what they are saying instead of those #$%% emojis flying across my vision and driving my ADHD insane. (Not sure if mutes/ unmutes + info on them can be accessed through API, I hope so.)
My original paper is linked. Dropbox
TalkTime - AI bulleted, then edited form
- Better Group Calls through a spendable, gift-able temporary currency.
Problems: People speak too much or too little during group calls, and those who don’t speak have less power, and a moderator has to handle it all and queuing, alone, doesn’t work.
Solution: Divide the the TalkTime there is for people to talk between the participants, then those participants can spend it to speak or they can give any amount to another they want to hear more from of to show support. A question or other request can be attached to the gift.
TalkTime Mechanics:
- Each participant is allotted an amount of TalkTime (displayed as a "life bar” or timer).
- Speaking depletes TalkTime, with burn rate increasing with monologue length.
- Hosts can override who speaks or implement a queue where a participant can give TalkTime to another to skip ahead of them.
- Total TalkTime can be set for the event or refill over time.
TalkTime Interruptions and Gifting:
- Interrupting requires giving TalkTime to those being interrupted, effectively doubling the speaker’s burn rate.
- TalkTime can be gifted to encourage specific individuals to speak.
- Gifting can be accompanied by messages/requests, creating a “gift economy” where attention is given without expecting a return.
- Unused TalkTime is destroyed at the end of each session, discouraging hoarding.
TalkTime and Power Dynamics:
- Non-speaking participants accumulating TalkTime encourages their participation or allows them to highlight those they choose to speak in their stead.
- This empowers marginalized and introverted individuals, promoting social justice by giving voice to those who might otherwise be unheard or choose not to speak.
- TalkTime can be a tool for equal access and inclusivity.
Benefits of TalkTime for Online Spaces:
- Reduces moderator workload by automating speaker selection.
- Eliminates microphone hogs, hand raising, and chat spamming.
- Reduces need for breakout groups in large online gatherings.
- Discourages trolls by starving their plays for attention.
TalkTime Functionality and Applications:
- TalkTime is scalable to groups of up to 100 people or higher if all TalkTime is redirected to delegates
- Basic functionality can be extended with plug-ins such as whiteboards
- Implementable on various platforms, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Clubhouse. (although some features such a automated mute control may not be doable through only existing APIs)
TalkTime for Interest-Based Online Meetups/Salons:
- Encourages participation from newcomers by providing equal TalkTime with regulars.
- Can be implemented for side-channels during presentations, allowing limited interruptions.
- Facilitates discussion after presentations, with TalkTime used to promote questions or highlight comments.
TalkTime for Team Meetings and Workplace Democracy:
- Improves team efficiency by constraining meeting length and ensuring equal participation.
- Allows remote workers to be heard in hybrid environments.
- Empowers employees in flat organizations (co-ops) and public companies, promoting consensus and buy-in.
TalkTime for Conferences/Unconferences:
- Facilitates scheduling and discussion during unconferences, enabling collective topic selection.
- Facilitates discussion in large groups, making it easier to manage conversations and eliminate breakout groups.
- Can be used for “Slow Conferences”, an alternative online Unconference approach.
TalkTime for Public Forums and Democratic Processes:
- TalkTime can be accumulated in questions for speakers, encouraging addressing of topics most important to the audience.
- Visible gifting of TalkTime with reasons allows for community-driven focus on specific issues.
- Large groups have most TalkTime speak next which encourages delegation.
- Can be adapted for in-person events with on-site moderators enforcing speaking rules.
TalkTime for Education:
- Enables more dynamic online discussions in larger classes.
- Allows students to direct teacher attention to specific subjects through TalkTime allocation.
- Complements other innovations in online education.
TalkTime for Next-Gen Social Networks and Live Conversation Matching:
- Enhances the user experience in SliceTube, a proposed live match social network.
- Promotes more synchronous interactions and rebuilds the Internet Commons into a more pleasant and functional space.
TalkTime for Brainstorming Sessions:
- Allows participants to vote for ideas by allocating TalkTime, indicating interest and value.
- Focuses attention on promising ideas and promotes collaborative decision-making.
- TalkTime is a proposed system for dividing speaking time in online interactions, aiming to create a more egalitarian, inclusive, and productive environment.
- Key features include allocated TalkTime, burn rates for speaking, gifting of TalkTime, and visibility of gift reasons.
- TalkTime promotes equal participation, empowers marginalized individuals, and reduces moderator burden.
- It has numerous applications across various online spaces, including meetings, conferences, public forums, education, and social networks.
- TalkTime is a potential solution to the problems of existing online interaction, offering a more constructive and engaging alternative.