Test API call, using JWT, results in a 124 error code

When I attempt to make an API call, using a JWT token, I’m receiving a response of {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}

I’ve attempted to generate a token using the node library jsonwebtoken and also generating a token from the JWT app tool credentials screen.

I’ve tried both JS code that makes a request and also just a straight curl call as well. I get the same response from the server.

From Curl: {“code”:124,“message”:“Invalid access token.”}
From JS Code:

IncomingMessage {
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{ date: ‘Wed, 06 May 2020 14:28:33 GMT’,
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[ ‘Date’,
‘Wed, 06 May 2020 14:28:33 GMT’,
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‘_zm_chtaid=357; Domain=.zoom.us; Expires=Wed, 06-May-2020 16:28:33 GMT; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly’ ],
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[Symbol(kBytesWritten)]: 379,
[Symbol(connect-options)]: [Object] },
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ClientRequest {
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‘GET /v2/users/me/meetings?status=active HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: Zoom-api-Jwt-Request\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\nhost: api.zoom.us\r\nauthorization: Bearer MYTOKEN\r\naccept: application/json\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n’,
_onPendingData: [Function: noopPendingOutput],
agent: [Agent],
socketPath: undefined,
timeout: undefined,
method: ‘GET’,
path: ‘/v2/users/me/meetings?status=active’,
_ended: true,
res: [Circular],
aborted: undefined,
timeoutCb: null,
upgradeOrConnect: false,
parser: null,
maxHeadersCount: null,
[Symbol(isCorked)]: false,
[Symbol(outHeadersKey)]: [Object] },
Request {
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_maxListeners: undefined,
uri: [Url],
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writable: true,
_qs: [Querystring],
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setHeader: [Function],
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pool: {},
dests: ,
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tunnel: true,
setHost: true,
originalCookieHeader: undefined,
_disableCookies: true,
_jar: undefined,
port: 443,
host: ‘api.zoom.us’,
url: [Url],
path: ‘/v2/users/me/meetings?status=active’,
_json: true,
httpModule: [Object],
agentClass: [Function],
agent: [Agent],
_started: true,
href: ‘https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/me/meetings?status=active’,
req: [ClientRequest],
ntick: true,
response: [Circular],
originalHost: ‘api.zoom.us’,
originalHostHeaderName: ‘host’,
responseContent: [Circular],
_destdata: true,
_ended: true,
_callbackCalled: true },
toJSON: [Function: responseToJSON],
caseless: Caseless { dict: [Object] },
body: { code: 124, message: ‘Invalid access token.’ } } }

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?
Curl Call: https://api.zoom.us/v2/users?status=active&page_size=30&page_number=1
JS Code: https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/me/meetings

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps for The Curl Call:

  1. The command I’m setting up:
    curl --request GET --url ‘https://api.zoom.us/v2/users?status=active&page_size=30&page_number=1’ --header ‘Authorization: Bearer MYTOKEN’ --header ‘content-type: application/json’

  2. I go to the JWT app credentials page in the marketplace and generate a new token for 1 week (tried all three time frames)

  3. I copy that in place of MYTOKEN and then try and run the curl command in the shell. I get the response above.

Screenshots (If applicable)
For Curl: Dropbox - 2020-05-06_09-36-29_bash.png - Simplify your life
For JS: Dropbox - 2020-05-06_09-38-23_index1.js — zoom-jwt-api.png - Simplify your life

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To add on to this post. I just created a second account (for my client) and configured his user with a pro account, then went to the marketplace and provisioned a JWT app and generated a token and the curl call succeeded. I’m wondering if it’s an issue with the implementation of my accounts JWT app?

Hey @freeholdsoftware,

Strange! Please try regenerating the JWT Secret for the account that is not working and try again.

Let me know if that fixes it. :slight_smile:


Hi Tommy,

I just tried regenerating my secret, but I get the same 124 response from the service. I established the key set right around/before the 1.7.4 release of the Web SDK, so I’m wondering if this is caught up in the fallout of that change over.

Ultimately though, this isn’t a high priority. My client has their own account and the keys work there, so I no need worry about this issue.


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Thanks for the info @freeholdsoftware.

Let me know if you want me to look into your issue further if you need to use your JWT.
