The different between SDK function SetMeetingUIPos and SetFloatVideoPos



  I wants to know the different between SDK function SetMeetingUIPos and SetFloatVideoPos

 Is there a DEMO of this two functions using?


 Am I right? It’s not using for my testing, so I wants to know the reason where I am wrong.

  CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().GetMeetingConfiguration().SetFloatVideoPos(new WndPosition { left = 10, top = 10, hParent = new HWNDDotNet { value = 300 }, hSelfWnd =new HWNDDotNet { value = 600 } });

  CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().GetMeetingConfiguration().SetMeetingUIPos(new WndPosition { left = 100, top = 100, hParent = new HWNDDotNet { value = 200 }, hSelfWnd =new HWNDDotNet { value = 500 } });

Well, seems we need a better doc.

SetMeetingUIPos works for the scene of Wall View . And SetFloatVideoPos works for the scene of share screen/program. That’s why it seems useless in your app.




Hi Wilmer,

    Well, that’s fine.

    I wants to know how to use this function in SDK. Is it used to control Meeting UI position?

CZoomSDKeDotNetWrap.Instance.GetMeetingServiceWrap().GetUIController().GetMeetingUIWnd(ref firstHwd, ref secondHwd);

Is this function get or set UI Window?