Trouble with resizing and re-positioning the zoom conference app

Unable to find documentation on how to change the size and position of the Zoom meeting window.

  • Trying to remove the minimize button
  • Center the window
  • Resize the window

Which version?

Hi Alex,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Regarding your questions, please refer to the following code snippet:

      * mode: Set Float VideoPos
      * @param {String} left Float Video left pos
      * @param {String} top Float Video pos
      * @param {String} hSelfWnd SelfWnd (require hexadecimal)
      * @param {String} hParent parent window handle (require hexadecimal)
      * @return {ZoomSDKError}
      MeetingConfig_SetFloatVideoPos: function (opts) {
        if (_addon) {
          let clientOpts = opts || {};
          let left = clientOpts.left || '0';
          let top = || '0';
          let hSelfWnd = clientOpts.hSelfWnd || '0';
          let hParent = clientOpts.hParent || '0';
          return _addon.SetFloatVideoPos(left, top, hSelfWnd, hParent);
        return ZoomSDKError.SDKERR_UNINITIALIZE;

Currently we do not have the interface to remove the minimize button and to resize the window.

Hope this helps. Thanks!

Hey Carson,

Thank you for the reply & information! I tried editing that section of code, but the main window is still appearing in the same place.

Is there something that I’m missing here?

mode: Set Float VideoPos
* @param {String} hSelfWnd SelfWnd (require hexadecimal)
* @param {String} hParent parent window handle (require hexadecimal)
* @param {String} left Float Video left pos
* @param {String} top Float Video pos
* @return {ZoomSDKError}
MeetingConfig_SetFloatVideoPos: function(opts) {
console.log(“meetingconfig_setfloatVideopos RAN”);
if (_addon) {
let clientOpts = opts || {};
let hSelfWnd = “900”;
let hParent = “900”;
let left = “900”;
let top = “900”;
return _addon.SetFloatVideoPos(hSelfWnd, hParent, left, top);

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the reply. The code snippet is the method that needs to be called. We have the a sample usage in our demo:

setFloatVideoPos: function() {
    let opts = {
      left: '10',
      top: '10'
    let ret = zoomconfiguration.MeetingConfig_SetFloatVideoPos(opts);
    console.log('SetFloatVideoPos', ret);

Hope this helps. Thanks!