The security review of the app has not progressed for over a month


Our app passed the functional review on July 16th, and we were notified that it entered the security review on July 18th. However, more than a month has passed since then, and there has been no progress. When can we expect the security review for our app to be completed?

Application Name: TebanasuApp
Client ID: 4T1p5URwRvyvhdkAMRuR2w

We are very grateful for the kind interaction during the functional review. We appreciate your continued support in the security review as well.

Thank you!

Hi @suzuki1, welcome and thank you for posting. Thank you for building your app on the Zoom App Marketplace :slight_smile:

We’re sorry this has been so delayed, I’ve reached out to our security team for more details. We’ll get back to you shortly with updates.

Hi @suzuki1, it looks like our Security team does have updates for you, they’ll be sending you an update shortly.

Please forgive the delay, we know this can be disruptive and hard to plan around. Thank you!

Hi @Michael,
I am very grateful for your prompt response. We have received the results of the security review. Some revisions are necessary, but we will make improvements and request a re-review. We appreciate your assistance and will reach out again if we need further help.

Thank you very much!

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