App stuck in security review


My app is awaiting final approval. It passed functional review over a year ago. It’s gotten an initial security review.

Last week, I addressed security review issues, responded to each issue and resubmitted. Since then, some of the issues the security review raised have been marked ‘resolved’, presumably by someone on the security team. However, the app remains in the Pending Security Review state. So I am not sure what it is waiting on. Is it in the queue for final approval?

I have a number of clients using the deprecated JWT integration that need to be migrated to OAuth ASAP. And additionally, I cannot currently add new clients since new JWT integrations are no longer accepted. Is there any path to escalating and getting this review finished?

Please let me know if there are other steps I should take.


Hello @isaac Can you please provide the name of your app the link doesn’t do anything because its not published it will just lead to the marketplace.

Regards, Kwaku

Automata MB Link for Zoom

Should I email

Hello @isaac it looks like your app was approved for Publishing last year in July 2022 but you never resubmitted, you finally resubmitted this year on July 10th. Given the long gap the security review has to be redone. Please expect an UPDATE by the end of next week.

Regards, Kwaku

Hello @isaac looks like the App was returned with some notes from our security team, please make the changes and resubmit at your earliest conveince.

Regards, Kwaku

I see notes from July 10, but I replied to these and resubmitted last week.

One of these notes, about public data leak, has been marked “resolved” since my resubmission last week.
The other note was about JS vulnerabilities in Mindbody’s sales website. As I wrote in my response last week (prior to resubmission), this is an independent business and I can’t control their release cycle.

I don’t see any other notes.