The signature generated using v0:{WEBHOOK_REQUEST_HEADER_X-ZM-REQUEST-TIMESTAMP_VALUE}:{WEBHOOK_REQUEST_BODY} does not match the signature in the header

video sdk : 1.8.0

The webhook is not functioning properly.
The comparison between the x-zm-signature in the header and the body is not working.
I see. It appears that accessing the request header using req.headers.get(“x-zm-signature”) instead of req.headers[“x-zm-signature”] prevents the value from becoming undefined.
The body of the request has been changed to a ReadableStream.
After reading the body as a ReadableStream, the values are different.
The request body for the session.start event is documented as follows:

  "event": "session.started",
  "payload": {
    "account_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}",
    "object": {
      "start_time": "2022-07-27T16:56:34Z",
  "event_ts": 1658940994914

I have confirmed that the session.start event has been updated to include session_name, and session_id.

  event: 'session.started',
  payload: {
    object: {

Including or removing these elements doesn’t work.

The signature generated using v0:{WEBHOOK_REQUEST_HEADER_X-ZM-REQUEST-TIMESTAMP_VALUE}:{WEBHOOK_REQUEST_BODY} does not match the signature in the header.

Hi @hicucu
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Have you been able to take a look at our sample app?

A year later but if can help to someone to solve this issue…
I tried create a hash signature using my secret token and request body but doesn’t matching. The problem is in message sctructure…

I had v0:1721951212:{“payload”: {“plainToken”: “8Ec3oqLtS-Gx6b-8Ocqnmw”}, “event_ts”: 1721951212909, “event”: “endpoint.url_validation”}

Just erase blank spaces and works! i got the correct signature hashed!
Here an example using python:

import hashlib
import hmac
import os

def calculate_hash(message, secret_token):
# Crear un hash HMAC-SHA256 usando el token secreto
hmac_hash =, message.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
return hmac_hash

Ejemplo de uso

message = ‘v0:1721951212:{“payload”: {“plainToken”: “8Ec3oqLtS-Gx6b-8Ocqnmw”}, “event_ts”: 1721951212909, “event”: “endpoint.url_validation”}’
message = message.replace(" ", “”)
print(f’Nuevo mensaje: {message}')
secret_token = “j4DYHnKOQ3eLL3LV2jq61Q”

hash_for_verify = calculate_hash(message, secret_token)
print(f"HMAC-SHA256 hash para verificación: {hash_for_verify}")
