This API does not support oAuth2 for authorization

I create a access_token successfully with this POST:

const url = '';
const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Basic xyz'
  body: new URLSearchParams({grant_type: 'account_credentials', account_id: 'xyz'})

However, when I go and use the access token for a GET to /videosdk/recordings, I get a 401

  "code": 124,
  "message": "This API does not support oAuth2 for authorization."

This is what the request looks like:

const url = '';
const options = {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer access_token_from_step_1'

I have looked through the docs and I cannot find a solution.

What am I missing? JWT is deprecated so I assume that is not the solution. Thanks for the help.

Hi @karson
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our Zoom Developer Forum!
It looks like you are trying to access the Video SDK API using a Server to Server oauth token.

Here is a link to our docs for Video SDK and how to make API requests.

Also, it is important to mention that the Video SDK requires a specific account that you need to create on top of the Zoom account that you already have, so here are some links that will be useful for you

Thanks, I have created that account and now made a successful request but it shows no recordings. That makes sense as it is not my real Zoom account.

I then allowed my new SDK account to manage my real zoom account by adding a custom role with recording management scopes enabled and adding my SDK account to my real Zoom account (where my recordings are) but my recordings are still not returned.

What am I missing?

Hi @karson
Are you still having this issue?
I do not believe you could add your SDK account to your Zoom account. you should be querying the endpoint with the SDK account/credentials to get your recordings.