JWT deprecated to Server-Server OAuth problem

I have a account Zoom session sdk but, don’t options for create build shoing only Build VIdeo SDK and don’t option for create S2S OAuth.
and don’t option for role User Management > Roles > Role Settings > Advanced features and select the View and Edit check boxes for Server-to-Server OAuth


@rinki ,

Sorry for the confusion.

Video SDK is not affected by JWT App Type deprecation.

Why is JWT token video calling no longer working after August 5th? This was something we used to do a year ago. We use JWT tokens for zoom video calling.

Let me know if any update for Zoom video sdk update.
This is my code for create token.

try {
$secret = env(‘ZOOM_SDK_SECRET’);
$payload = array(
“app_key” => env(‘ZOOM_SDK_KEY’),
“role_type”=> (int)$userRole,
“session_key” => (string)$jobId,
‘exp’ => time() + 7200,

$token=\Firebase\JWT\JWT::encode($payload, $secret, 'HS256');
$data['token'] = $token;
return $data;

} catch (Exception $e) {

return ["status" => "failed", "message" => $e->getMessage()];


this is code for join session

var signature=this.zoom_token;
var identity=this.userName;
this.client = ZoomVideo.createClient();

const videoSDKLibDir = ‘/node_modules/@zoom1234/videosdk/dist/lib’;
this.client.init(‘en-US’, CDN);
await this.client.join(
).then((data) => {

this.participants = this.client.getAllUser();

}).catch((error) => {


Hi @rinki,

From the code which you have shared, it seems you are using Video SDK.
Video SDK is not affected by JWT App Type deprecation.
Video SDK uses JWT Token to authenticate, but this is not referring to JWT App Type.

JWT Token and JWT App Type are 2 different things.

You do not need to create S2S OAuth App Type, as this JWT App Type deprecation does not affect your Video SDK solution.

Meeting SDK on the other hand is affected by JWT App Type deprecation.
Meeting SDK is a different product from Video SDK

Question: What if my web application is still not working?

On 5th August there is an enforcement of minimum version. This affects both Video SDK and Meeting SDK. If you are using a Video SDK Web version which is older than 1.4.1, your web application will stop working. You will need to update your web application to a newer version of Video SDK.

Let me know if you have more questions, I’ll be happy to guide you

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Oh waw, it’s working! I update SDK versions .

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