This meeting is not available or ID is not valid.

Hey @javier.ortiztacchi,

What endpoint are you calling? Can you try getting the ended meetingUUID by passing in the meeting id into the Get Past Meeting instances endpoint?


Perfect!! That was the solution.

Thank you very much!!!

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You are welcome! :slight_smile:


I have a similar problem with error 3001.
Step by step:
I use this endpoint: and I got this data
“uuid”: “e/vqza1OTr+9SOpX1LqPnQ==”,
“id”: 97672375721,

To use this endpoint /meetings/{meetingId}/meeting_summary a I have to double encode UUID.
INn PHP it wille be
$uuId = “e/vqza1OTr+9SOpX1LqPnQ==”;

//Double URL Encode
$uuId = urlencode($uuId);
$uuId = urlencode($uuId);
echo $uuId; //e%252Fvqza1OTr%252B9SOpX1LqPnQ%253D%253D

so I send get this url: and got 3001 code