Toggling A/v throws SDKERR_NO_PERMISSION


I finally recreated it consistently. I’m using version of the Android SDK, although this occurs a few versions back as well.

  1. From Zoom for desktop, start a meeting and begin recording it before SDK app joins.
  2. From an Android SDK app, join the meeting.
  3. Notice you will hear the “recording in progress” audible message on the SDK app but no consent dialog appears.
  4. SDK user is unable to unmute or start video. canUnmuteMyAudio() and canUnmuteMyVideo() both return false.
  5. Stop recording from desktop.
  6. Notice SDK user still cannot unmute or start video.
  7. Start recording from desktop again.
  8. SDK app pops up consent dialog.
  9. SDK user can now unmute and start video with no issues.
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