Unable to Create Webinars with future date

My user account "Subhadra.Ponnada@gartner.com" is a pro user and you can check that in his user profile.

With this Account, I tried to create a webinar with future date say on Feb 10’th at 10 AM and this is the request data sent to API

"topic": "Webinar Request data testing - 2",

"type": "9",

“start_time”: “2019-02-10’T’10:00:00’Z’”,

"duration": "30",

"timezone": "America/New_York",

"password": "",

"agenda": "Webinar Request data testing - 2",

"tracking_fields": [


"field": "Test Tracking Field",

"value": "Test Tracking Value"



"recurrence": {

"type": 1,

"repeat_interval": 0,

"weekly_days": 1,

"monthly_day": 0,

"monthly_week": -1,

"monthly_week_day": 1,

"end_times": 0


"settings": {

"approval_type": "0",

"registration_type": "1",

"alternative_hosts": "",

"close_registration": "true",

"show_share_button": "true",

"on_demand": "false"



However, the response I got


"agenda": "Webinar Request data testing - 2",

"created_at": "2019-02-05T12:58:40Z",

"duration": 30,

"host_id": "aDKa2rKGRTWdh4Ts3aPRFg",

"id": 656780211,

"join_url": "zoom.us/j/656780211",

"occurrences": [


"duration": 30,

"occurrence_id": "1549371480000",

"start_time": "2019-02-05T12:58:00Z",

"status": "available"



"registration_url": "",

"settings": {

"allow_multiple_devices": true,

"alternative_hosts": "",

"approval_type": 0,

"audio": "both",

"auto_recording": "none",

"close_registration": true,

"contact_email": "",

"contact_name": "Subhadra Ponnada",

"enforce_login": false,

"enforce_login_domains": "",

"global_dial_in_countries": [



"hd_video": false,

"host_video": false,

"on_demand": false,

"panelists_video": false,

"practice_session": false,

"question_answer": true,

"registrants_confirmation_email": false,

"registration_type": 1,

"show_share_button": true


"start_url": "",

"timezone": "America/New_York",

"topic": "Webinar Request data testing - 2",

"type": 9,

"uuid": "iiRYlA/NTMGhExMDFa93JQ=="


has the start time set to “2019-02-05T12:58:00Z” (i.e) current date of Feb 5th.

Can you please help us on what we miss here…


PS: Email id and API links are not properly added because system does not allow new user to add more than 2 URL Links in the posyt…

Hi @subhadra.ponnada,

Since you’re using the local timezone can you set your timezone to yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss and see if that works?

Hi @michael_p.zoom - If I understand you correctly… You are asking me to set the Timezone directly in the “start_time” attribute itself…

Thanks @michael_p.zoom, It worked… The mistake I did was to include ‘z’ along with the timestamp data… The moment I remove it, it works…

So, I believe zoom stores all time values in GMT, Its upto the user to convert start time to appropriate timezone’s value and display that in his system…

Hi @subhadra.ponnada,

How it works is that when using a format “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss’Z’”, this will always be GMT time. When trying to do local time use the format “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss”, but you will need to specify the time zone as well.


Are the T and Z truly enclosed in single quotes or is the format simply described that way to drive home the point that those are string literals that may need to be escaped when passed to a date formatting function?

Hi @Jonathan_Champ,

No, its just described in the docs that way. If you’re going to use it in the API then the raw format would be something like this 2019-02-10T08:00:00Z.

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