Unable to find documents for errorCode 100000502

I have recently come across this errorCode=100000502 with internalErrorCode=3. However, I do not find the errorCode documented anywhere.

Any help will be appreciated.

Hi @naveenworkingatoffic, sorry to hear you’re running into this issue.

Can you provide more context on where you’re seeing this issue, including steps to reproduce? This will allow us to investigate this problem further.


I’m afraid I cannot reproduce it and I don’t even have the right context. One of our client just sent us a screenshot of the application where we used Zoom SDK. This is all I have for now. But it’s strange that there has been no more complains from the client. I assume this was resolved.

But I would like some insight if you can provide something.

Hi @naveenworkingatoffic, thanks for the additional context.

This seems like it was a one time issue. The error code indicates something went wrong with a network request made by the SDK, but it’s difficult for us to provide any more information without the ability to reproduce. If this client sees the issue again, please try to get more information around where it is happening so that we may investigate on our end.
