Unable to join meeting ionic app

Somehow the success building iOS was just temporary. Now it fails while linking the app with

ld: framework not found MobileRTC

I tried all the things here, but none of it worked. I’m not a Mac/iOS dev and I don’t fully understand dependencies in XCode. Could someone please help with some screenshots how it shall look like in Xcode?


Has anyone got it ever working on iOS?

The old plugin contained a binary, which might be the actual zoom library:

$ file libs/ios/MobileRTC.framework/MobileRTC
libs/ios/MobileRTC.framework/MobileRTC: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures: [arm_v7:Mach-O dynamically linked shared library arm_v7Mach-O dynamically linked shared library arm_v7] [arm64]
libs/ios/MobileRTC.framework/MobileRTC (for architecture armv7):	Mach-O dynamically linked shared library arm_v7
libs/ios/MobileRTC.framework/MobileRTC (for architecture arm64):	Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library arm64

The new plugin does not contain that file, but it contains an ominous other file with a similar size:

 file libs/ios/MobileRTC.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/MobileRTC.framework/GNUSparseFile.0/MobileRTC
libs/ios/MobileRTC.xcframework/ios-arm64_armv7/MobileRTC.framework/GNUSparseFile.0/MobileRTC: data

After some fiddling with a hex editor, I suspect that it might be the zoom library, but I’m not that versed in binary reverse engineering to make something out of it.

@chunsiong.zoom Could you take a look if the plugin you mailed out actually works for iOS or maybe there is some wrong stuff in the ZIP file (looking at the other issues, I found and remedied … :roll_eyes: )


I don’t know what kind of scavenger hunt Zoom is playing with us here…

I finally got the sparse file back to a univeral binary with xsparse. Next I had to change the plugin-structure to be single-architecture again (.framework instead of .xcframework) using the old plugin as reference. And now it seems to work. :rocket: