Unable to render multiple videos despite setting enforceMultipleVideos=true


I want to render multiple videos across all devices, and I’ve enforced this by setting enforceMultipleVideos=true in the client.init method. After that, I create a video-player-container and attach multiple video-player elements to it.

However, on an iPad Air 2 running iOS 15.6.1 with Safari, even after initializing the video client, stream.isSupportMultipleVideos still returns false. As a result, only one video is displayed at a time, with videos flashing between each other.

Is this a bug in the VideoSDK, or do you have any suggestions for rendering multiple videos? (I’m considering is creating multiple video-player-containers, each with a single video-player)

Which Web Video SDK version?



  • Device: iPad Air 2
  • OS: 15.6.1
  • Browser: Safari

Hey @lmtruong1512

Thanks for your feedback.

Are you referring to this model of iPad air?


If so, since the limited performance of the device, it currently cannot render multiple videos.

However, in versions after 1.12.0, we’ve made optimizations that allow support for rendering up to 2 videos.

Could you please upgrade the Video SDK version and try again?



Thank you for your support,

Are you referring to this model of iPad air?


However, in versions after 1.12.0, we’ve made optimizations that allow support for rendering up to 2 videos.

I attempted to upgrade to SDK versions 1.12.0 and 1.12.1 and tried rendering two video-player instances within the same video-player-container. However, the issue persisted, with only one video being displayed and videos flashing between each other.

This is my meeting session id: “eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBfa2V5IjoiN3ZBUExTZ3FuZkp2dTN5S1dVZlVHaUE5M0NmVlZsMzZVOThwIiwicm9sZV90eXBlIjowLCJ0cGMiOiI0NjU4NzMzMDI4IiwidmVyc2lvbiI6MSwidXNlcl9pZGVudGl0eSI6IjQ3MjAwNTg5NDkiLCJzZXNzaW9uX2tleSI6IjQ2NTg3MzMwMjgiLCJpYXQiOjE3MjQyMzE0NDMsImV4cCI6MTcyNDI0MjI0M30.e955CJsvxMkuNJGOf3ZZp4PbkwRpdvlR-t-L-oa7TWE”

Hey @lmtruong1512

Could you provide the session ID with us instead of the JWT token?

It can be retrieved via client.getSessionInfo().sessionId or from the dashboard on the web portal page.


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Hey Vic,

My apologies for the mistake. Here is my session ID. Could you please check it for me?


Hey @lmtruong1512


We analyzed the log, the platform doesn’t support OffscreenCanvas API while SharedArrayBuffer is enabled. So it meets an unsupported scenario.

A temporary solution is to disable SharedArrayBuffer, which will prevent us from using Offscreen Canvas to render the video.

Sorry for the many current limitations. We are working on a new video solution in beta, based on WebRTC Video, which will eliminate constraints and be easier to work with. It will be released around October.


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@vic.yang Thank you for your response. I’m looking forward to the next release in October.