Unable to retrieve more than 10000 recordings (List recordings of an account)

Hello! I’m looking to pick up on this previous report. Much like they observed, if I attempt to use /accounts/{accountId}/recordings to retrieve recordings in our account for a duration of time and the total number of recordings in that window exceeds 10000, the API will seemingly cease to provide data.

We currently generate a new JWT credential each time a new date range is supplied, so either changing the credential or the date range is providing a workaround.

At the bottom of this post, I’ve posted a log of what we’re calling and how the data changes. For the sake of convenience, I have adjusted the page-size to 100, but we would normally call at the max 300.

I’ll be working to implement their identified workaround of using smaller units of time, but would like to review the underlying behavior here as we have some extremely busy time ranges to process.

After retrieving 10000 records from GET /accounts/{accountId}/recordings, no further paginated data is return until either new JWT credentials generated or a new date range is used (need to test further to identify exact workaround).

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
JWT (Python 3 > Requests)

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Generating using:

headers = {'authorization': f'Bearer {auth_token}', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
parameters = {'from': from_date, 'to': to_date, 'page_size': page_size, 'next_page_token': page_token}

r = requests.get(url=self.url + f'/v2/accounts/{account_id}/recordings', params=parameters, headers=headers)

See below for log snippet.


Status: 200
from: 2020-03-01
to: 2020-03-31
page_size: 100
total_records: 14687
next_page_token: 0eZAfjLKAsszZfUQmG0ToknMRyJ2UvxxmO99
Currently: 9800

Status: 200
from: 2020-03-01
to: 2020-03-31
page_size: 100
total_records: 14687
next_page_token: 0O4gp9CKTgfMIYxh6Vf6PjAX7hQmsUMNUg100
Currently: 9900

Status: 200
from: 2020-03-01
to: 2020-03-31
page_size: 100
total_records: 14687
next_page_token: W1LnlTovdzCOenAQBTsEnN4FtZgEx7SRUF101
Currently: 10000

Status: 200
from: 2020-03-01
to: 2020-03-31
page_size: 0
total_records: 0
Currently: 10000
10000 Recording Records Collected

From: 2020-04-01  To: 2020-04-30

Status: 200
from: 2020-04-01
to: 2020-04-30
page_size: 100
total_records: 20712
next_page_token: 9Dl5Msu61cosZEsHaNmHsN5ANtRq81Am182
Currently: 100

Status: 200
from: 2020-04-01
to: 2020-04-30
page_size: 100
total_records: 20712
next_page_token: YNnPdH1IJm1QPPSdGYtWiu3kSI1GPIj5i33
Currently: 200

Hey @saladd,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. I don’t have an easy way to reproduce the issue on my own account so I’ve reached out to our engineering team to see if they can confirm this behavior and provide insight.

I’ll let you know when I have more information. (ZOOM-293123)


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