Unable to run ZoomSDK demo app for windows in Visual Studio 2017

I am trying to build and run the zoom sdk test app for windows desktop using visual studio 2017. I open the sdk_demo_v2_2017.sln in visual studio 2017. I do not update any settings, but just modify the build to be for ‘release’ and ‘x86’. The build runs fine, but does not generate the executable to launch. Do I need to change any configuration properties for this. Any pointers would really be appreciated.

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to sdk_demo folder.
  2. Click on sdk_demo_v2_2017.sln to open with Visual Studio 2017.
  3. Change the build settings to be for ‘release’ and ‘x86’.
  4. Click on run for local windows debugger: build works fine, but then there is an error that the system cannot find the sdk_demo_v2_2017.exe
    I checked the folder and could not find .exe file generated.


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context

Same issue occurs when I’m trying to run the demo app ‘sdk_demo_v2_2015.sln’ in Visual Studio 2015 as well.

Hi myrali,
thanks for your feedback. this is our mistake on project settings. we will fix this in next release. sorry for that.
please help to make the change as below to make it work if it is ok for you.


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Yes, this works. Thank you.

Marking as solved.
