Understanding whether your product can fit my needs

Hi I’m a software developer and I have the following needs for one of my clients:
I need to programmatically start and end a conversation between 2 people (who are already sitting in front of their computer (similar to chatroulette maybe). but they don’t have the option to choose who to contact and when to start the conversation. and the system would disconnect them after some time). afterwards a new conversation would start for these people. (there would be around 4 conversations in parallel).
Those people are not registered here, but they can be registered in the clients system if it helps.
I need to understand if this is possible with your system, and the cost.

Hi Hagal, 

Would your application be using our web API’s or would you be using one of our platform SDKs? Our web API’s only support pre meeting setup but our platform SDKs have some in meeting functionalities. https://developer.zoom.us/docs/android/sdk-functions/
