Unexpected "Account does not support REST API" error

I have been using a Pro account for testing purposes and out of the sudden I can’t longer authorize any application. Every single time that Oauth process is required I get the same error, even accessing this Dev forum.
This is something started happening this week.

{“code”:200,“message”:“Account does not support REST API.”}

Which App Type

Which Endpoint/s?
The problem I am describing happens during Oauth flow but in any case we use Chat Channels, Chat Messages and IM Chat.

How To Reproduce
Described error happens every time during Oauth flow.

Additional context
Is there any new role setting I need to enable? Thanks in advance for any help.

Hey @emata,

What endpoint are you calling when getting the error?

{“code”:200,“message”:“Account does not support REST API.”}

Can you share a screenshot of the error too?

I don’t see anything off in your companies configuration.


Hi @tommy,

The error is happening during Oauth process, so, it is something I am seeing on the server logs. But now that you mention it, is also happening when I try to authorize this dev forum app, here the screenshots:
Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 8.00.11 AM

I will send you a DM with the account id and user id, so, you can take a look at it. The problem is just happening with that specific Prod account we use for testing purposes.


Thanks @emata,

We are looking into this and will get back to you. (ZOOM-156931)
