Unexpected view change in Component View after screen share

When utilizing the Zoom Web SDK component view, particularly when in a specific view mode such as “Active,” when initiating a screen share, and subsequently stopping the screen share, the view mode unexpectedly switches to “Ribbon” view. This behavior occurs regardless of the initial view mode selected. In other words, after sharing and then stopping the screen share, the view consistently reverts to “Ribbon” mode.

Web Meeting SDK version

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Access Zoom Web SDK component view.
  2. Choose any view mode (e.g., “Active”).
  3. Initiate a screen share.
  4. Stop the screen share.
  5. Observe the change in view mode to “Ribbon.”


  • Device: M1 Macbook Pro + AWS EC2 machine
  • OS: macOS 14.1.1 + Ubuntu 22.04
  • Browser: Chrome / Firefox
  • Browser Version: Chrome:, Firefox: 123.0.1

Additional context
In the client view SDK it behaves as expected - after exiting screen share the previous view is resumed. This issue significantly disrupts the user experience and workflow, particularly for those who rely on specific view modes for efficient communication and collaboration.

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