Update single recurring meeting is not working

Hi all!

Using API for updating single recurring meeting by occurrence_id is not working.

1.How To Reproduce
Request URL: PATCH https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/81230588187?occurrence_id=“1661940000000”
Headers: Authorization: Bearer Token
“agenda”: “TEST”,
“duration”: 180
We use this API Zoom Meeting API
2. Any errors
There is no errors. The result is 204 status code.
But this request updates ALL recurring meetings.

Hi @viktoria.obukhova
Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum, I am happy to help here!
Allow me some time to do some debugging on my end and I will come back to you with an update shortly.

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Hi @viktoria.obukhova
Would you mind sharing with me the request body that you are sending when creating the meeting?

Hi @elisa.zoom
This meeting was created not via API, I created it in my Zoom account with default settings for recurring meeting.

Can it be the problem?

Hi @viktoria.obukhova
Thanks for sharing that with me.
It is actually very interesting.
I am not able to replicate the behavior you are seeing at all. But what is happening on my end is that when I create the meeting via the Web Portal, I can not update it.
Then I went ahead and created a meeting via API and I was able to update a single occurrence with no issue.

Could you please try updating the meeting after its creation via API?

Hi @elisa.zoom ) sorry for the delay
No, unfortunatelly it still does not work for me even for meeting created via API.

Request URL : POST [https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/userId/meetings]
Headers : Authorization: Bearer Token
Body :
“topic”: “Recurr Meet API TEST”,
“type”: 8,
“duration”: 60,
“start_time”: “2022-10-01T00:00:00Z”,
“default_password”: true,
“recurrence”: {
“end_times”: 7,
“repeat_interval”: 1,
“type”: 1

Then update request:

Request URL : PATCH [https://api.zoom.us/v2/meetings/88100412269?occurrence_id=“1664841600000”]
Headers : Authorization: Bearer Token
Body :
“duration”: 10

As a result - it updates all meetings duration:

Hi @viktoria.obukhova
Thanks for sharing more details with me.
I will go ahead and send you a private message to follow up

Hi @elisa.zoom!
Could you please help with this problem, it still exists and we can not develop a part of functional for recurring meetings. The API does not work:

I have tried to pass the query param occurrence_id=‘1674320400000 ’ and occurrence_id=“1674320400000”. The result is the same - all meetings updated.

And when I try without any quotation marks like this - PATCH occurrence_id=1663858800000

there is an error:
“code”: 3000,
“message”: “Update Meeting failed.”

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HI @elisa.zoom,

I’m getting the same issue. any update with this?

Hey @malinda.p
As this is an older thread, could you please open up a new topic and tag me?
Feel free to provide as many details as you can.

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