Updating TDD for Published App with no new features

Hi @senshin
I have reached out to the Marketplace team about this.
It looks like your app is already published in the Marketplace, so probably no further actions are required but I will confirm with my team and will come back to you with an update.

Hi @elisa.zoom

Thank you.
I expect the “Updated Needed” string to disappear.

Hi @senshin
I just heard back from the Marketplace team and it looks like they left some notes in your app. Can you please open the Notes dialogue, resolve and respond to the feedback that was left there and resubmit?

Hi @elisa.zoom

I have send feedback through the notes dialogue.
The status still doesn’t seem to change from functional check, is there anything else I should do?

After leaving notes in your app for the reviewers, did you re-submitted your app?


I did not re-submit.
I just implemented it.
Thank you for your response!

Thanks @senshin
Make sure to re-submit for review and you will be good to go!

hey @apntly
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Yes, you need to press the submit button and the app will be functional for old and new users.
This resubmission wont impact users of your app

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After resubmission,
I could see the status changed to “Security Review”

Perfect, @senshin
So that means the security team is looking into the updates you have made.

Hi @elisa.zoom
I can confirm that the Security Review has been completed!
Thank you very much.

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