[URGENT] Your devs dropped a table = API doesn't work anymore

Client error: POST https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/me/meetings resulted in a 400 Bad Request response:
{“code”:-1,“message”:“Table ‘zoomdb.zm_webinar_email’ doesn’t exist”}

Been like this for 2 mins

@MaxM @tommy @will.zoom please update me on when this is fixed.

Hey @an4rei ,

Can you please share steps to reproduce the issue including your request body?


We are seeing the same error with our API integration.
All of our customer support meetings are currently broken

I’m doing a simple create-meeting post call

Adding my voice here. This is happening with numerous of our clients, all at the same time. This is a wide issue. Please let us know when you know something! Complete functionality break.

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Hey @matt7 , @an4rei , @edu_dev4 ,

Thanks for the additional details, we are looking into this issue and will resolve asap. (ZOOM-242951)


@tommy looks like the issue has been fixed. thank you!

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Same thing here. “webinar email doesn’t exist”. Is this a problem on Zoom’s end?

Hey @rick.freeman100 , @matt7 , @edu_dev4 ,

This issue should be fixed now, please try again. :slight_smile:


Confirming with @an4rei that it appears fixed for us as well.
Thank you very much @tommy

Confirmed the error has cleared! Thanks!

Happy to help @matt7 , @an4rei, @edu_dev4 ! :slight_smile:


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