Zoom redirect https join meeting request to http and blocked by the browser

We use iframe to embed zoom web client on our web page. Today all the meeting request https://zoom.us/j/meeting_id are re-directed to http://zoom.us/j/meeting_id, and therefore blocked by the browser. When try to join the meeting, it only shows a blank page.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Browser: Tested on chrome and safari

Additional context
It suddenly happened today, previously it works fine.


Urgent for me too. This bug (or change?) disjointed an entire elearning website.

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Works only in Firefox.
Please fix it asap.


FWIW I also reported this here: Web client has stopped working when embedded in an IFRAME and I’ve seen several other reports. Though none with a reply. We ended up scrambling to use the WebSDK instead as that was the only fix we could find.


Try to use another join url like this
<iframe src=“https://zoom.us/wc/join/11111111111” sandbox=“allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts” allowfullscreen=“allowfullscreen”></iframe>


Thankyou for pointing this out. Now atleast It works with this change.


Hey @flippyhead, @xinxin, @elearningevolve, @pavel.p, @gbtondo,

For the best experience embedding Zoom into a website, please use the Web SDK instead of putting Zoom meeting links in an iFrame.


Thanks @tommy. Does Wed SDK need PRO account?

Hey @xinxin,

Yes, the Web SDK requires a pro account.


Hi Team,

Using the below iframe (the same for any ID) and it just doesn’t work in Safari. Other browsers are fine:


[blocked] The page at https://zoom.us/wc/join/98815756866 was not allowed to display insecure content from http://zoom.us/wc/join/98815756866?tk=&prefer=0&track_id=&meeting_result=&imf_code=&wpk=&_x_zm_rtaid=S0p4TSGPQguRXGmIpH6UFw.1588954022978.fad827a366de57e55ac38c3b75f321a0&_x_zm_rhtaid=751.

Please advise @tommy


Hi @vadim.plakhtyr,

Yes, Safari has heavier restrictions on iframes. Can you make sure to include https in your url to see if that works?

Yeah, we did make sure. A lot of people have the same error though. Seems like the issue is on your end guys, since the error says that https:// version of your page cannot display insecure content from “the same page but http:// ?”

Sounds more like an internal issue to me. Could you please investigate this further?

@Michael_Purnell @tommy

Hey @vadim.plakhtyr,

Embedding the Zoom Web Client in an iFrame is currently not supported and does have issues.

Please use the Web SDK to embed Zoom meetings / webinars into your website.


@tommy before you forward people to use the SDK, please be so kind as to look at this thread:

Thanks @mystery,

We will take a look.


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Hi @tommy,

Is there any update on this? With your latest change we are also hitting the same issue here.
As we can’t use your websdk due to it’s huge dependencies (we are rolling on a PWA here) we need iframe to work.

Mixed Content: The page at ‘…’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame ‘…zoomlink’ This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

Looking forward for your answer.

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Hey @tommy, we’re also running into this issue. This is huge blocker for us as we’re just about to roll out our application. Please let us know if you have any ways around this issue. Thanks a bunch for your help! :fist:

Hey @can, @ptr,

Are you trying to embed the Zoom Web Client? I cannot guarantee it will work since it was not designed to be embedded in an iFrame.

Please use the Web SDK.


Hi @all,

I have ran into this problem too and checked the headers sent from the zoom server.
Even though the initial request is “https://zoom.us/wc/…” the server redirects with a “302 found” to a http-url.
When the browser requests this http-url, the zoom server redirects again to https.

For a normal user in a browser window, this is not a problem.
Inside an iframe you get the Mixed Content Error.
The error could be fixed by zoom by changing the first redirect to https.

I haved fixed this problem on our side with a server2server check on the url, following the redirects to the final url.
After that I pass this final url into the users iframe and it works.


Hi Tommy… i keep seeing you suggest to avoid using and iframe and start using the SDK, but SDK was my fist implementation and had terrible bad quality making it impossible to use… so in another topic i saw they suggested using an iframe instead


  • iframe over https does not work, and if you serve via http you receive a message telling you “audio is not compatible please update your browser”

  • 1.7.9 WEB SDK let you connect but you cannot use it actually due the very bad quality , annoying sound

is there a working way to implement zoom via web? any suggestions? or requirements to make is work?
