Use of API to create a meeting

Hello , i’ve been unsuccessfully trying to create a meeting through the use of an API provided by ZOOM. I’ve used the API’s sample code in order to test the functionality of the previously mentioned API. After multiple requests and tweaks i keep receiving a code:300 with the message: Unsupported Content Type. Could you give me a hint/example in order to get a functioning request?

This is the code for the request that i’ve been sending(obviously userId and token substituted with the corresponding values)


curl{userID}/meetings?access_token={token}-H ‘Content-Type:aplication/json’ -d ‘{
    “topic”: “string”,
    “type”: “integer”,
    “start_time”: “string 2018-10-31 22:44:33”,
    “duration”: “integer”,
    “timezone”: “string”,
    “password”: “string”,
    “agenda”: “string”,
    “recurrence”: {
        “type”: “integer”,
        “repeat_interval”: “integer”,
        “weekly_days”: “integer”,
        “monthly_day”: “integer”,
        “monthly_week”: “integer”,
        “monthly_week_day”: “integer”,
        “end_times”: “integer”,
        “end_date_time”: “string 2018-10-31 22:44:33
    “settings”: {
        “host_video”: “boolean”,
        “participant_video”: “boolean”,
        “cn_meeting”: “boolean”,
        “in_meeting”: “boolean”,
        “join_before_host”: “boolean”,
        “mute_upon_entry”: “boolean”,
        “watermark”: “boolean”,
        “use_pmi”: “boolean”,
        “approval_type”: “integer”,
        “registration_type”: “integer”,
        “audio”: “string”,
        “auto_recording”: “string”,
        “enforce_login”: “boolean”,
        “enforce_login_domains”: “string”,
        “alternative_hosts”: “string”


My 2c:

  1. try add 

-H “accept:application/json” 

  1. try put some valid values for those “string” and “integer” fields, and most of them are optional so don’t use it unless required. For my test to create an instant meeting (type:1), I only use 2 fields as below and it worked. I used double quotes everywhere, so need to escape each of the ones inside.

-d “{ “topic”: “test”, “type”:1}”

 3. you need a space between the end of token and the beginning of “-H” to separate them.

Hope this helps.



Hi @Allan_HH ,

Thank you for your reply. I’m following your style and calling the API to create a meeting using only two parameters:
{ “topic”: “test”, “type”:1}

I get the following message in the Zoom Web Client while joining the meeting:

"The host has another meeting in progress
If you are the host, please sign in to start meeting"

My question is, Is there any way to allow a person to join more than one meetings. I mean having 3 or 4 tabs each hosting a different meeting. Or 2 meetings on two different devices hosted by the same user?

I just want the user to start a meeting regardless of if another one was started before.


Hi @subhan,

Zoom does not allow a user to host multiple meetings at the same time. If the host attempts to have concurrent meetings by scheduling two different meetings at the same time and enables join before host for both meetings, the following issues can occur:

The host has another meeting in progress
If you are the host, please sign in to start meeting

Let me know if you have additional questions.
