Use zoom meeting and zoom video sdk together in the Android/Flutter

Use zoom meeting and zoom video sdk together in the Android/Flutter:

I want to use zoom meeting and zoom video together in my flutter/android application

  • I have added both SDKs in a android project.
  • Both are added in a separate module of a project.
  • When I implement any one in the main application and initialise SDK, it works perfectly. (ZoomSDK and ZoomVideoSDK respectively)
  • Now, when I implement both of them in my application, earlier I got duplicate classes error which I am able to resolve and run the application successfully.
  • When I initialise any SDK with both of them implemented together, I am getting method not found, null object etc errors.

Used mobilertc.aar for meeting SDK and
used below for video SDK:
implementation “us.zoom.videosdk:zoomvideosdk-core:1.10.11”
implementation “us.zoom.videosdk:zoomvideosdk-videoeffects:1.10.11”
implementation “us.zoom.videosdk:zoomvideosdk-annotation:1.10.11”

Is there any way I can run both SDKs together?

@spyvebdeveloper that is not a supported scenario

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