User can join webinar who only authenticated in our website

We are using Zoom Api and Zoom Web SDK. And we have a pro account for webinar. When users want to join webinar on desktop browsers there is not problem. But we have a problem when users want to join mobile browsers because Zoom Meeting SDK not good on mobile browsers.
So we decided to do like this:
First we check that the user is using a mobile browser. If user is using mobile browser so we put a link to join webinar with mobile zoom app.
After users open the mobile zoom app. They can join the webinar by entering any email and username. We want to check these emails. We want only users who are authenticated on our site to be able to join the webinars.

How can we check the e-mail addresses of the users participating in the webinar?
Is it possible to pre-determine the users who will attend the webinar?

Hey @Sapa,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. Please see our documentation on meeting authentication profiles and let me know if that helps:


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