User cannot mute microphone by himself

I developed a application using MAC SDK, when a user jion the meeting ,and click the mike button to mute the mike , we use the api

ZoomSDKError zoomSDKError = [[_meetingService getMeetingActionController] actionMeetingWithCmd:ActionMeetingCmd_MuteAudio userID:0 onScreen:ScreenType_First];

to mute user himself mike。if user is host ,that is ok, the method return zoomSDKError is “ZoomSDKError_Success”.but if user is not the host, the method return zoomSDKError is “ZoomSDKError_NoPermission”.

What’s the reason,is the sdk API not used correctly by me? or the user is not the host, can’t the user mute mike himself?

Hi 182883415,

Thanks for the post. We are able to identify an issue with this interface based on your description and we will fix this in the next release. Pardon the inconvenience.


When will you be able to release the fix version ?

Hi 182883415,

We will have a release very soon, please follow our Github repo for any updates:
