User ID coming from onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange does not match a user ID from the in-meeting list

The delegate function
func onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange(_ userID: Int, videoStatus: MobileRTC_VideoStatus)
returns a userID. This userID does not match a user ID from the in-meeting user list obtained using

Which iOS Meeting SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)

  • Join a meeting with Custom UI
  • Get in meeting user list using MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService()?.getInMeetingUserList()
  • Have a user toggle their video
  • Delegate function onSinkMeetingVideoStatusChange(_ userID: Int, videoStatus: MobileRTC_VideoStatus) is invoked
  • Notice that the userID from this delegate function is nowhere to be found is the in meeting user list.

FYI I’ve noticed that the userID coming from the delegate function is often one number higher than one found in the in-meeting user list. Hopefully this can help narrow down the bug.

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This is happening to everyone with this SDK version it seems. I had posted about this: userID value in delegate callbacks does not match

Let me share how I’m working around this for now. I ask the meeting service for the userInfo(byID:) of the userID that is provided by the delegate. Then look at the userID of the MobileRTCMeetingUserInfo that is returned. It will match the actual userID that you are looking for.

Hey @tyson1,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

@jeremy.provost is correct. We have seen this happen for all users on that version in multiple callbacks. We will have a hotfix for this issue soon.


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