User-Managed App missing meeting:update:meeting & webinar:update:webinar scopes from the scopes list


We have been using Zoom as an integration in our application for several years. However, we are encountering a challenge where we need to add the following scopes to our existing Zoom app:

  • meeting:update:meeting
  • webinar:update:webinar

Unfortunately, we cannot create a new Zoom app in the marketplace because doing so would cause all our current users to be logged out, which would disrupt their experience.

Could you kindly provide some guidance or potential workarounds that would allow us to add these scopes to our current app without negatively impacting user access would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and assistance. We really appreciate any help you can provide.


I would need some information about your App if you feel comfortable providing it here. please if not, let me know if you prefer to convert this conversation to a DM

App Name
App ID
Prod Client ID


I believe it is better if we could convert this conversation to a DM. In the private message, feel free to ask me any questions.

Thank you in advance,