Sample App: zoomapp:inmeeting scope is missing

Hey, I am following the tutorials in order to create sample Zoom App:

  1. How To Configure the Basic Zoom App Sample
  2. Create a Zoom App

But I can’t find zoomapp:inmeeting scope in app dashboard.

On the stage of deeplink generation I get the {'code': 4700, 'message': 'Invalid access token, does not contain scopes: [app:deeplink:write:admin, zoomapp:inmeeting, app:deeplink:write].'} response.

EDIT: To get zoomapp:inmeeting scope I needed to create another app “Build Legacy App > Zoom Apps”. But in my case it is not working for me since I need “Account-level app” because of the need to manage Zoom breakout rooms and Legacy Zoom App provides only User-managed app, which doesn’t have access to breakout rooms afaik.

EDIT 2: Seems like Zoom SDK has access to functionality I need (create / remove / add participants to breakout rooms), so the Legacy Zoom App is what I need.

@avemeva Please make sure that you have selected the app to work with Meetings on the Surface tab:

Then you should see the scope automatically selected as an option:

Let me know if that helps.