V2 /report/users/{userId}/meetings returns multiple, different meetings, but with same meeting id?

Hi @gregory.george.lewis,

Happy to clarify. First, in regards to your question about seeing the same Meeting ID for both instances of ‘Test Provider’s Personal Meeting Room’, I should note that recurring Zoom meetings (which this meeting appears to be) will have the same Meeting ID. However, each occurrence of the meeting will have its own unique Meeting UUID. You might find this forum post helpful for clarifying this differentiation in IDs:

As for retrieving the participants of only a single meeting within a given date range, you have a few options: If you know the ID of the meeting in question, you can use the GET Meeting Participants endpoint you referenced. If you need participants from a meeting, but you’re not sure exactly which one, you’ll want to first query the meetings endpoint and pass the from and to parameters as you’ve been doing to get the unique meeting ID or specific meeting occurrence ID, for subsequently calling the participants endpoint.

Let me know if this helps to clarify!


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